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Resources Related to Generations & Youth - Youth

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Aug 26 2011
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Our program to advocate for indigenous peoples affected by multilateral development banks is a cornerstone of the work at the Indian Law Resource Center. This project began in the late 1970s when the Center represented the Yanomami people of Brazil. The Yanomami lived a peaceful and self-sufficient life, with no ties to the global economy, until Brazil received money from the World Bank to build a road through their territory. The road unleashed chaos within the Yanomami communities. Road workers brought malaria and many Yanomami died because they had no resistance to the disease.

Dawn Morrison
Jun 18 2010
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See a complied list of some great food, land and culture books. Please contact Fiona Devereaux if you have others you would like to share.

Many thanks

Jun 18 2010
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The 2 days before the conference the Vancouver Island and Coastal Communities Indigenous Food Network (VICCIFN) worked on the Digital Harvest Project.
Please see this great story for some insight into this project

Over the 2 days the Elders and youth created 23 stories.
See the amazing stories at this link. All the stories are on the right hand side of the screen.

Elders, Youth
Mar 23 2010
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Web Link

Updated: June 2, 2009

"We believe it is much better to prevent a cancer than to treat it after it has developed."
Dr. David McLean, Head, BC Cancer Agency Prevention Programs

Did you know that more than 50% of cancers are preventable? What you eat, whether you smoke, your level of activity, and how you spend time in the sun are all lifestyle choices that can affect your chances of getting cancer - and your chances of preventing it.

You can also protect yourself through the BC Cancer Agency's Screening Programs, which can detect breast and cervical cancer at early stages.

Mar 17 2010
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Web Link

The concept of food sovereignty was developed by Via Campesina and brought to the public debate during the World Food Summit in 1996 and represents an alternative to neoliberal policies. Since then, that concept has become a major issue of the international agricultural debate, even within the United Nations bodies. It was the main theme of the NGO forum held in parallel to the FAO World Food Summit of June 2002.

Jan 25 2010
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Since the time of contact with non Indigenous settlers in the southern interior of B.C. many traditional Indigenous harvesters including hunters, fishermen, and gatherers from the Ktunaxa, Nlaka’pamux, Secwepemc, St’at’imc, Syilx, and Ts’ilqotin nations have repeatedly expressed concern about the declining health and abundance of culturally important foods in our respective traditional territories. Therefore, the Interior of B.C.

Dawn Morrison
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