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Indigenous Peoples Biocultural Climate Change Assessment Methodological Toolkit for Local Assessments

The IPCCA is an indigenous initiative on climate change, driven by an indigenous steering committee. The IPCCA aims to generate indigenous strategies to cope with climate change and to incorporate local indigenous voices into the international climate change science and policy development processes. To this end,under the IPCCA, indigenous peoples of the world develop their own Local Assessments of Climate Change LA)as part of a process that seeks to impact at different levels:
Global:there is an urgent need to produce information on trends in local climate phenomena, due to the international uncertainty around the local consequences of climate change.
The holistic vision shared by the vast majority of indigenous cultures is an appropriate approach because it considers the phenomena and their consequences comprehensively, taking into account the relationships between all elements of a complex system. The IPCCA takes this approach using the term Indigenous
Biocultural Systems and considers that it is a necessary contribution for understanding and responding to climate change locally and internationally, incorporating indigenous voices in research processes and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and in policy processes such as the United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change –UNFCCC.

Purpose of Document: 
Local assessments are led and implemented by indigenous peoples, making them a vehicle for empowering communities to develop and use their own knowledge, frameworks and methodologies of inquiry to assess the impacts of climate change on their biocultural territories. From this analysis, a Life Plan is developed, including adaptation strategies that ensure the future well-being of communities. The LA are developing strategies for building indigenous resilience, mitigating impacts and strengthening biocultural diversity for food sovereignty and endogenous development, in turn supporting the implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. Thus the IPCCA also works for social and climate justice, based on the recognition of the value of indigenous knowledge and livelihoods in adaptation and mitigation of climate change.