Decolonizing the Mind: A Talk by Dr. Michael Yellowbird
Published on Feb 11, 2014
Decolonizing the Mind: Healing Through Neurodecolonization and Mindfulness -
Author, educator, medical social worker and citizen of the Arikara (Sahnish) and Hidatsa Nations in North Dakota, Michael Yellow Bird, MSW, Ph.D. works with indigenous communities, teaching about healing the trauma of colonialism. On January 24, 2014 he spoke about his experiences at Portland State University in Portland, Oregon, sharing his ideas about how to do go about doing this through techniques of mindfulness, thought and behavior which he refers to as neurodecolonization.
George Orwell pointed out those who control the language also control the people. In January 2010 KTIV News reported the death of one of the few remaining elders who still speak the Arikara language, Maude Starr.

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