B.C. Food Systems Network 11th Annual Gathering
Hi Everyone,
I want to let you know that the registration is open for the 2010 Gathering! The theme this year is water and we'll be getting together in the quiet little town of Ymir (20 minutes outside of Nelson) from Sept 23rd to Sept 26th. You can find more information at the B.C. Food Systems Network website under the Gathering 2010 tab on the lefthand side of the home page.
You can also complete the downloadable form that can be mailed directly to Jen Gamble, Gathering Coordinator. If you have any questions please feel free to contact her.
I hope to see you all in September!
We are also working on trying to get funding to cover the cost of registration and travel for Indigenous participants and welcome input on the Indigenous related workshops, discussions to integrate into the schedule of activities at the gathering. You can contact me through the contact us page on this website with your scheduling ideas.
The following file is a 53 KB pdf document you many need to download Adobe Reader to open the file.